H&M Hottest Print – Zebra On Zebra The New Denim On Denim//Print On Print

There is just something in me that loves the thought of Zebra print on Zebra print, a total outfit of this print. It’s the perfect print for every wardrobe to have, it’s simple, black & white and is really easy to combine. I have seen this trend get bigger and bigger within a small period, and now big fashion houses as H&M are selling  a lot of different pieces in this print. Below you can see some of the pieces that I personally love that H&M are selling. I personally think the jacket is so perfect for  fall/now combined with the jeans below, a great way to give this jacket a little bit of life even though it has this notable print.


You Can Purchase The Items Here//Here//Here//Here//Here//Here//Here//Here//

Au Revoir, peepz!

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